Using Plants To Your Advantage During COVID-19
Whether you’re working from home, back in your office or getting back to indoor dining, there are creative ways to use indoor plants. We already know from studies have shown to boost your mood, increased productivity, concentration and creativity. The presence of plants help reduce stress and anxiety and provide benefits of cleaning indoor air and improve overall health.
Here are some ways you can use plants in your every day life to benefit your staff, customers and clients.
Going Back To Work
After spending months away from work, many of us are feeling the need to bring back some normalcy while still feeling protected. Using plants to fill space between work stations will beautify and encourage needed social distance. Plants can direct foot traffic for directional movement. Aesthetically working with the your office environment.
Plant ideas for your office
Use plants within collaborate work areas between people. Seeing and hearing people while being separated with a plant. Using decorative containers with casters enables your plants to move with your changes work space.
Access Plants offers weekly plant service helping to clean and sanitize your space. Our technicians will be cleaning your plants weekly with an alcohol based cleaning solution to help sanitize your space and keep your plant clean. (H2O & rubbing alcohol) Having used this mix for years to help control insects we are confident that your plants will remain healthy and looking their best.

Social Distancing With Plants
Getting back to indoor dining:
As a restaurant owner, safety is paramount. Patrons will base their decisions on indoor dining based on your precautions. We understand the unique position you are in which is why we offer a free consultation to discuss your unique needs. With our restaurant clients, we use plants between tables to help keep guests apart while enhancing their environment. This provides patrons the security and safety they’re looking for while creating and aesthetically pleasing dining experience.
Additionally, using plants strategically will reduce noise, enhancing everyone’s experience.
As you begin to open, give us a call to discuss how we can help fill needed space, direct guest flow and increase the overall appearance of your restaurant.
Your perfect home office space:
Access Plants offers Home Office Leasing Programs developed to help professionals stay professional while working at home. Our representatives will look at your space and will deliver or ship the correct plants and coordinating containers renovating any dull unattractive space into a place to Get Things Done! Along with beautiful plants and professional containers Access Plants technicians will provide all the service your plants need on a Bi-Weekly schedule. This will insure that your plants remain health, clean and looking their best. With our help we will keep you professional and productive while Getting things Done at Home.
Plants Containers and Maintenance to keep everything looking great. Enhance your home office virtual with the use of lush tropical plants and exciting decorative containers. Create a workspace that will reduce stress, boost mood, and improve your productivity. Let your home office be a space you enjoy spending time in with Access Plants indoor plant choices!
Access Plants has corporate discounts available for multiple home office clients with the same companies.
If your company contracts with Access Plants we can bill them directly.